Monday, June 15, 2009

Dosa! The NEW San Francisco treat!

One week ago, Todd and I were fortunate enough to take a little time off from parenting (at least physically) and play for a couple of days in San Francisco! For some reason, I was under the impression that it was "Sunny San Francisco" even after I checked the weather forecast which told me otherwise. But like Tristan forging into spring regardless of the snow, I wore flip-flops and open-toed sandals the entire trip. The best part of the trip? Spending time with my husband (realizing we DO have more to talk about than Evan - though we did talk about him a lot. I guess that never stops!), getting to hang out with a friend of 18 years, wow!, (I can use punctuation haphazardly in a blog, right?), and the FOOD!!!

Hsin was gracious enough to plan and make reservations for dinner both nights and she picked well! If you're ever in San Francisco, try the Slanted Door (Vietnamese cuisine) and Dosa's (delicious Indian food). I've been craving a dosa ever since. Hsin mentioned it was in a "grungy" part of town - but it was worth it! I even caught a little bit of "grungy" town culture when some nice gentleman yelled out a bus window at me "Hey! White girl!!". Ha! We also went to this fun tea place for lunch but I can't remember the name.

For all of you who never believed Hsin could gain weight - here she is with a cute 30 lb belly! Obviously, she's not gained weight anywhere else.

Here's my attempt at scrapbooking the adventure.

And here's the toy motorcycle we bought in case we needed to bribe Evan to come back home with us. Let's just say grandma's (i.e. Dama baa) house is WAY more fun than ours.

Truly a good time. Thanks so much, Hsin, for taking time to hang with us - it was so great to catch up! And thanks so much Dama baa and and the rest of Todd's family for keeping Evan safe and happy while we were away.


tristanjh said...

I'm glad you got a much needed vacay. And clearly you have gotten your fill of odd food so their is no need to serve it at Hsin's baby shower!

And Hsin, you look great! Can't wait to see you and the little one!

cluckyducky said...

It was so much fun to see you again and I loved introducing you to the culinary delights of San Francisco. Next time we'll go get sushi!

I noticed you graciously forgot to mention that I made you run errands for me to Ghiradelli Square...

Claudia said...

What a great trip! I am glad you got some time away and ate some awesome food!

There is no way I believe that is a 30 lb. baby belly. 15 lbs, maybe... Hsin, you look great! Hope these last few weeks are treating you well.

I think sushi at the baby shower would be good, but Indian or Vietnamese would be fine too. I'm up for anything... well, not mac 'n cheese.

Corbie said...

I am such a deadbeat blogger! What a great treat to hop into my Google Reader for the first time in days and see such a great post about Hsin and your trip! Hsin, you look great - glad you guys had fun!

Sarah said...

Tristan: Sushi it is! And yes, Hsin does look great!

Cluckyducky: Yes, if I'm reading Tristan correctly, we'll be having sushi at your baby shower! It was great to see you too - and I was happy to run an errand for you especially when it involves chocolate...

Claudia: Yeah, I didn't believe the 30 lb thing either but Hsin swears it to be true! And I'm thinking mac'n cheese sushi will satisfy everyone at the shower...

Corbie: If you've been a deadbeat blogger that must mean you've been or done something fun yourself??

Sistamize said...
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