Friday, October 2, 2009

"Mommy's little break" aka "Take your child to work day"

Little update on the Watterson clan:

1- Todd had a birthday and my mom made the traditional 'Birthday German Chocolate Cake' -yummy!!! Notice there are 2 candles not 30 something. We like everything in our house to be educational and thus the 2 candles (C) represent a math equation. It involves a logarithmic quantification of how much sooner life will end due to an excess of school.

2 - The aforementioned also got a new bike and bike garb and was very excited. The aforementioned's son was also excited until he realized he would not be going on a bike ride with daddy. Evan ran down the street after Todd and cried for 15 minutes. Todd is no longer allowed to ride his bike unless he somehow sneaks out without Evan knowing.

3- Todd, his dad and brother all scaled King's Peak and came back mostly unbroken. Sherpa work for Todd will resume on shorter climbs that don't necessitate oxygen.

4-We went to the local zoo for FHE this week and learned that many animals go to bed (i.e. back in the building where you can't observe them) at dusk and thus we only got pictures of "Doylus Miserabolus". I think it will make the perfect pet for the Horsley family. Wpuld you like that in Christmas or Birthday present form, Tristan?

5- Evan looks cute in a tie.

6- Traffic is pretty congested in the North wing of the Watterson house anywhere between 10 am and 7 pm.

7- Every day he gets a little closer to "blowing this joint".

8-Really, whoever decided today was "take your kid to work day" at Todd's office is going to get something extra special for Christmas. Let's just say I'm not sure who was more excited. ('Most Excited' not pictured)

9- Aah brevity. Her name is fall.

May you all stay warm until June 2010 when the sun will shine warmth on us again. Global warming. What a crock.


tristanjh said...

So I feel Evan's pain. The birthday boy should have also gotten a child seat to go with the new bike so that Evan could ride too (sometimes).

And yes, you have found the perfect pet. Sky's birthday is Oct. 19...we'll take birthday form :)

Corbie said...

As usual, the humor was spot on. Love the pics...Evan does look absolutely adorable in a tie (plus it makes him look entirely respectable and not at all like a kid trying to break out of your joint :).

Sarah said...

Tristan: 1 pet rock coming right up! I assume you want that in small rock form and not boulder...

Corbie: Now that he can don a tie we figure he's ready to start earning his keep. We're thinking Hedge Fund Manager...

Tyson and Jennifer said...

Always a pleasure--hilarious as always!

Sarah said...

Jenny: Thanks! Just trying to live up to "favorite cousin" status. ;>

amylynn said...

We love all the pics- Especially the one of Evans little traffic jam. What a cute and fun kiddo.
Amy York

Anne said...

Hey, send me your address so I can mail you a Christmas card.

I'm also trying to get a sisters mission group together for a lunch while I'm up there for Christmas. Email me through your best email and send any other sisters' email addresses you might have. ttfn