Friday, September 11, 2009

Cakey Treat

My favorite part of pretty much any gathering is the food. I can take or leave ambiance, clever conversation, or entertainment. But food - that's always necessary. So I helped organize a book club a few months back but I really should be honest with myself and admit that the food part of any gathering is my favorite part and organize a food club.

Anyhoo, at the book club a couple of nights ago my friend Becky introduced me to one of my new favorite treats. It's really just cake but it's incredibly simple (2 ingredients), extremely fast to whip up (30 seconds mixing, 2 minutes cooking) and lower fat (unless you count the whip cream, ice cream and frosting I put on it).

What is it you might ask???? We had it last night and Evan gave it a name: Cakey treat. Here's how you make '

Cakey Treat

1/3 Cup of any cake mix
1/2 Cup water

Mix in a microwave safe cereal bowl and microwave for 2 minutes.

Viola! Cakey treat.

Of course you can amp up the fat and calories by adding the aforementioned toppings. Last night I even added white chocolate chips before "baking". It's perfect for kids - they can make their own and perfect for late night cravings because, really, who craves an apple at midnight.


tristanjh said...

Ah, but it is not a bundt cake. You have ruined all other cake for me forever.

Corbie said...

I think you are a treat.

Sarah said...

Tristan: Nothing replaces the bundt cake but alas there is no such refuge in Logan. I'll text the code word 'bundt' on my next trip down before I pick you up so keep your flip-flops handy!!

Corbie: If I am what I eat then, well, you know the rest. Kind as always, thanks.

Claudia said...

Wow - in the microwave? I thought that thing was just for popcorn.

Sarah said...

Nope, it's just like an 'Easy Bake Oven' except for grown ups.

MSC said...

A Speed Scrap is where you sign into forum and then go to the Speed Scrap Thread and every 10 min the host will give you one instruction ex: Pick 3 pictures. You go and do that then 10 min later another one. You work with that layout for one hour then post it in the gallery and forum. You get a prize for completing your lo. Some people want you to get it done right at time but at STS they give you time sometimes hours. I hope this helps I am not good with explaining things. I would not be a good teacher. Have a wonderful week! Thank you!

Anne said...

Can't wait to try it. I require recipes with 5 ingredients or less. Sound like something I could do! Thanks for the idea! Great family night treat!