Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just to be perfectly clear...

This is what happens when a 2 year old goes to "sleep" in the same room as all of his toys.

We really need to rethink our parenting strategy.


Corbie said...

Just to be clear, this is what my kids' rooms look like every day (plus some disgusting food items and stinky socks). No rethinking necessary - you're amazing (and the flooring and furniture in that room are beautiful :). xoxo

Claudia said...

If you manage to rethink this enough to come up with a solution, please let me know. My current solution is to skip naptime, which isn't making me any more happy than a trashed room was.

Sarah said...

Corbie: Oh, don't be deceived by the one picture, there is food in there somewhere. He's taken to hiding treats and comes out munching on candy on a regular basis.

Thanks for the compliment - I would put cherry flooring in the rest of my house if I had to do it again!

Claudia: Ooooh man, I hate skipping naptime. Evan will be required to take a nap until high school. But if I come up with a magical solution I will share.

Mindi said...

The funny thing is that it looks very similar to this when they are 12 too and they don't have the excuse of only being 2 anymore!

Sarah said...

Mindi: That's bad news - next you'll be telling me they cost more as they get older...