Friday, March 19, 2010

A mean 'green' train (and yellow, and blue and grey...)

While Todd was stuck in D.C. during the second week of February in a hotel room all weekend due to the 3rd largest snow storm there in history (his flight was cancelled THREE times), Evan and I stayed at 'Jackie's Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner'. It's an exclusive stay where you're bound to gain at least 5 pounds in a weekend. After 3 days of cookies, meals I did nothing to prepare, and a wonderful host (aka 'Jackie Grandma' or 'mom'), poor Evan was getting a little stir crazy from all the indoor only activities - and let's face it, I was getting pretty lazy. (Anyone else revert back to age 15 when staying with their mom???)
Soooooo, what do you do when you're 2 and stir crazy?
Answer: Dump out every basket of toys in grandma's basement and repurpose the baskets as train carts... notice the clowns got a ride. The dumping out all the toys seems to be a reoccuring theme in this not very frequently updated blog.

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