Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Send in the Birthday Clowns

Happy Birthday Evan!!!

The birthday and party are done and over but the memories linger and are going to spill out onto this blog. For the past two years we have had a Saturday swim-party-all-you-can-eat-rib fest but so much was going on in lots of our family's lives that we decided (last minute) to do a simple glutton fest on Sunday instead.

So here's the birthday boy - extremely excited about all the partying going on...

So much so he donned his favorite camo hat.

My mom made the cake, of course, she just threw it together last minute. I can throw nothing together this good last minute. Evan insisted Jackie Grandma was making him a 'moco' cake - which is what he had last year (wow, the kid has a great memory). After much debate of the issue we came to an agreement: grandma would make a clown cake and he could put black truck on it. Turns out he LOVED the clown cake, no need for black truck. Gotta love 3 year olds.

We even had clown ice cream to go along with the theme: vanilla with a hint of clown.

And no party would be complete without a party and loud-make-the-parents-annoyed noise makers. Evan saw someone with a party hat somewhere and insisted he have one for his birthday too. Thank you dollar store.

Besides eating, other party activities included playing in the "sandbox", (you may be asking is that chocolate cake or dirt and the answer is "yes".)

opening gifts from generous family and friends,

It took 3 cousins and a friend to open mom's tape job. Todd and my brother thought my packaging technique was a little tough for a 3 year old but I say why have kids if not for entertainment?

and, lastly, shrub sitting.

And by the way, this is one of the few girls we have approved for Evan to court in 20 years or so.

There's a lot of love in this family, hugs all around! My hug, though, was forced, in the pool last week and taken by myself. (For the love of pete, why, oh why, can I not remember to get a picture with the 3 of us on special occasions!)

Three years have gone by in a blink and we've loved every minute of it! I said 'loved', not 'never got frustrated, annoyed, or cried' - I don't believe they are mutually exclusive.

Maybe next year we'll hire a clown, build a real sandbox, and give everyone more than one meals notice. Either way, SOMEONE please remind me to take a family picture!


Claudia said...

Happy birthday, Evan! What a cute little guy he is - and growing up so fast! I hope Adayla is on his short list for 20 years from now...

Sarah said...

Oh, you better believe Adayla is on his short list!!!!

Corbie said...

I'm a believer that thrown-together-at-the-last-minute get togethers are the best kind...this one seems to be no exception. And that cake looks scrumptious!

Tyson and Jennifer said...

I'll remind you about the family photo if you remind me! I'm just as bad! You did a fantastic job for last minute! Want to be in charge of my next party? ;) Aunt Jackie's cake looks awesome as always. Yum!!